Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Ada usaha timbul syak terhadap JAKIM

Lokasi : Gloria Jeans, off Jalan P.Ramlee, Kuala Lumpur

Acara : Sidang media Ikatan Aktivis Siber Malaysia

Tarikh : 15/6/2014

Seperti ada usaha yang sengaja dibuat untuk menimbulkan syak terhadap sijil halal yang dikeluarkan JAKIM yang juga bertanggungjawab keatas banyak lagi perkara yang melibatkan soal akidah. Ini akan menjurus kepada rasa tidak tenteram dan huru hara dikalangan umat Islam.


  1. Myanmar devotees say about the committee members of SAMNAK SAMBODHI (YIP KUM FOOK as president) are very stupid and have no Buddhist teachings at all, because they do not know how to manage the Temple

    The temple committee is waiting for donations from the devotees only, they don't know anything, the Myanmar devotees also said and were very sad when it happened like in a Buddhist temple, added that we monks lived there like cows because last time we were a monk (VEN. U NANDIYA) living there, the president YIP KUM FOOK took his donation of about RM20,000.00

    Myanmar devotees said about the committees in front of our monks, looked like a kind person and they were some very good committees but behind the ghost idea, we monks were very scared but we monks came to Malaysia for training only, our monks don’t care what the committees did.

    We are Malaysians and we know about YIP KUM FOOK well because this YIP KUM FOOK is a big ghost in Malaysia, this YIP KUM FOOK can do everything to get money, he is not shy and does not listen to people’s gossip, but one day he will taste what he ate

    If anyone likes to know and understand about YIP KUM FOOK, please go research on GOOGLE, thank you very much

    Sharing by Ong, Kuala Lumpur
